Sunday, February 10, 2008

Educating Student to be Responsible Citizens

Educating students to be responsible citizens means that we are being taught more than just facts and logic. We are taught something that really cannot be taught in a classroom- compassion. We are taught, through a shared experience, what the condition of the world around us is. We are also taught how to evaluate this condition and what to do if it needs to be fixed. It is not just reasonable and appropriate for colleges to educate students about engaged citizenship, but it is a responsibility. Students' lives are changed in college, and it is said that the way people are in college is usually how they will be for the rest of their lives. With this said, if colleges focus solely on academics, their alumni will grow only to know how to take tests, sit still for very long periods of time, and maybe work hard. That is exactly why colleges need to teach their students about engaged citizenship, so that their alumni can grow to take responsibility, selflessly serve others for long periods of time, and work towards making their community easier to live in.

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